IT Department Problems: Solving Collaboration Software Challenges

As consumers build loyalty toward specific technology brands, those preferences are bleeding into the workplace, leading them to introduce technology devices, software and other tools without IT’s approval. For example, the organic growth of workplace and team collaboration tools like Slack has taken IT by surprise. The result is a growing tension between IT departments who want to remain in control of security and systems and employees who want the freedom to choose the technologies they use to do their jobs and are willing to go around IT to do it.

In fact, nearly half (46 percent) of business professionals said they or their team have introduced new technology into their workplace, 53 percent said they or another team have pushed back on IT or management when they tried to dictate the technology they use, and 73 percent said they’ve been successful in implementing their choice of tech tools.

Our new report examines this growing tension between IT and professionals and how it is impacting workplace productivity.